
COTE 2020

COTE 2020 focuses on the way forward from COVID-19

By Roxanne Brizan-St Martin and Bradley Osbourne

Crisis is opportunity. A crisis is a chance. The crisis is the turning point. Likened to a revelation, and a portal-gateway between one world and the next, COVID-19 presents an opportunity, a chance for developing economies of the Caribbean to break the past and create conditions for renewed economic growth and development.

Issues surrounding the economic challenges and opportunities linked to the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed in the 2020 installation of the Conference on the Economy (COTE) and the COTE Youth Activities. These two form the annual landmark event of the Department of Economics and will be delivered virtually under the theme “Crisis is Opportunity: COVID-19 the Way Forward”.

COVID-19 has exposed our vulnerabilities as countries and as a region and policy makers continue to grapple with its effects. The impact of the pandemic has been felt in every segment of the population. It has dramatically altered the socio-economic landscape and has caused major shifts in operations for individuals, small and micro enterprises, educational institutions and health service delivery.

While the recovery and the transition from the effects of this pandemic will be no easy task, our goal must be the development of more inclusive, resilient and sustainable Caribbean economies. Therefore, while addressing the effects of COVID-19, there is a need to examine and find strategies to manage our challenges and vulnerabilities in ways which lays the foundation for stronger, healthier economies in the long run. This means being prepared to do more with little resources, finding ways to be more efficient in resource use while keeping people at the centre of the development dialogue.

Ultimately, it requires balancing short-term recovery with a clear long-term development trajectory. While political will is critical, there is the need for increased collaboration and cooperation amongst societal actors. This will entail synergising academic, corporate, policy and community agents with the aim of strengthening and deepening ties to people, communities, and the region. In many discussions, regional cooperation has been highlighted as a critical component in mitigating the effects of the pandemic and paving the way for the region's recovery.

“Crisis is Opportunity: COVID-19 The Way Forward” is free to the public. All interested individuals are encouraged to register at

COTE 2020 Events

October 22 - COTE Youth Armchair Discussion
October 29 - COTE Youth Debate Knockoff Competition
November 12 - Finals COTE Youth Debate
November 25-27 - Conference on the Economy 2020

Dr Roxanne Brizan-St. Martin is an Instructor with the Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science.

Bradley Osbourne is the Research Analyst for the Economics Society and Undergraduate student with the Department of Economics.